Further Reading
Alberti, R.E. and Emmons, M.L. - Your Perfect Right (Impact)

Dickson, Anne - A Woman in Your Own Right (Quartet Books)

Jeffers, S. - Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway (Century)

Lindenfield, G. - Assert Yourself (Thorsons)
Thomas J Harbin - Beyond Anger: A Guide for Men: How to Free Yourself from the Grip of Anger and Get More out of Life. (Marlow and Company)

W. Robert Nay - Taking Charge of Anger: How to resolve Conflict, Sustain Relationships and Express Yourself without Losing Control. (Volcano Press/Guilford Press)

Mike Fisher - Beating Anger (Rider)

Alice J Katz - It's Not Personal! A Guide to Anger Management (AJK Publishing)

William Davies - Overcoming Anger and Irritability (New York University Press)

Harriet G Lerner - The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Pattern of Intimate Relationships (Harper Collins)
Bereavement & Loss
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross - On Death and Dying (Routledge)

Stephen Levine - Who Dies? (Anchor Books)

J. Tatelbaum - The Courage to Grieve (Heinmann)

Colin Murray-Parkes Bereavement (Puffin)
Self Esteem & Confidence
Dr Brian Roet -The confidence to be yourself (Piatkus).

Melanie Fennell - Overcoming low self-esteem (Robinson).

Christine Webber - Get the self-esteem habit (Hodder).

Greenberger and Padesky - Mind Over Mood (Guilford Press).

Gladeana McMahon - Confidence works (Sheldon).

Richard Carlson - Stop Thinking & Start Living ( Harper Collins)

Gael Lindfield - Success from setbacks (Thorsons)

Ros Taylor - Confidence in Just seven days (Vermilion)
Dorothy Rowe - Depression - The Way Out of your Prison (Routledge)

Trevor Barnes & The Samaritans - Dealing with Depression(Vermillion)

G. Smith & K. Nairne - Dealing with Depression (Women's Press)
Robin Norwood - Women Who Love Too Much (Cox & Wyman)

Dr Robert Hemfelt, Dr Frank Minirth, Dr Paul Meier - Love Is a Choice (Monarch)

Dr Susan Forward - Emotional Blackmail (Bantam Books)

Dr Susan Forward - Men Who Hate Women & The Women Who Love Them (Bantam Books)

Drs Jordan & Margaret Paul - Do I have to give up me to be loved by you? (Hazelden)
Yvonne Dolan - Beyond Survival (BT Press)

Dr Susan Forward- Toxic Parents (Bantam Books)