Abuse I still feel so much pain about the abuse I suffered 25 years ago.
My partner puts me down all the time and is frequently violent.
Addiction I just can’t seem to stop ………
Adultery My partner told me about the affair and I just want to die, I feel so betrayed and can’t go on.
I don’t know why I did it, I love my family and didn’t want to hurt them.
Anger I just seem to ‘lose it’ over the slightest thing.
Assertiveness I just wish I could say no. I just can’t seem to stand up for myself.
Conflict We just can’t talk, we always end up rowing.
Depression I feel so low most of the time, what’s happening to me.
I just can’t seem to shake off this low mood.
Eating Disorders People tell me I’m thin, but I feel so fat.
I keep eating, I just can’t seem to stop.
Family My children are out of control and my husband won’t do anything.
I’m nearly 40 and my mother is still trying to run my life.
Forgiveness I can’t forgive my sister for what she did, I’m not even sure I want to.
Frustration The situation at work is driving me crazy, I can’t change it and I can’t put up with it either.
Infertility I always wanted children and I can’t bear the pain of knowing I will never have them.
Loss I am so angry at my mum for dying, I still love and miss her so much.
I feel so worthless since I stopped working.
I feel so bitter that I can’t do the things I used to do before the accident.
Marriage If something doesn’t change soon, I’m leaving. I just can’t stand it anymore.
Self Harm I don’t want to do it, I just can’t seem to help it but somehow I feel better when I cut myself.
Self Image I have never felt good enough.
Why am I such a failure?
Sex I can’t get an erection. (male)
I love my husband, but I don’t want to have sex. (female)
Sexuality I think I might be gay.
I like women and men, what is wrong with me.
Stress I can’t cope with all the pressure of home, family and work.
I just have too many hats to juggle all the time, help!